Singular Society | Building a customer-centric approach with data platform Ellis

Singular Society | Building a customer-centric approach with data platform Ellis

Singular Society by H&M group launched a revolutionary retail concept on Shopify Plus: A membership-based model, where the customers pay for a yearly membership that gives them access  to  products at the price they cost to make. This genius concept has brought them the nickname of “Netflix of slow-fashion”.  In a world of over-consumerism and fast-fashion, Singular Society has been on a mission to build a genuine community through responsible  wardrobe  and home essentials . 

What made this innovative brand decide to use the data-driven platform Ellis

Even though the brands focus is not on product sales, but on memberships, its still crucial for them to be able to track membership trends and overall product performance. Understanding specific KPIs such as customer lifetime and retention, as well as different segmentations allows for a more customer-centric approach, which is important to a brand like Singular Society. 

“In order for us to more easily track our different KPIs, we needed a dashboard that Ellis provides. Since we are a small team, we need to understand what sizes and colours sell, and information on our customers such as gender, location, how often they purchase from us. Etc. The Ellis platform provides us with useful dashboards such as customer segmentation information. All these figures help us to understand how much to restock or whenever we launch new products we can see how its performing. We dont have time to look through all of these in manual excel sheets, so the dashboards provides us with a clear picture in terms of graphical presentation of which products sell. It has made the job of product managers so much easier when they are able to predict more accurately on what to restock.” - Vrshali Jyothiprakash / Business controller

Data platform making day-to-day operations easier. 

Having things on the dashboard such as the customer funnel, Singular Society can track how many new visitors they have had daily, weekly or monthly and which one of those visitors created an account and converted to members. This has become a weekly routine, whereby every Monday the whole team looks at these figures and allows for transparency of how things are going and comparison to previous weeks. 

“I have looked into the data points myself and compared with the Shopify reports and the data accuracy is about 90%, which is great.” - Vrshali Jyothiprakash / Business controller

Woolman & Singular Society working on improvements together 

“Before I was trying to do customer segmentation on an excel sheet scoring our customers based on loyalty levels, everyone in the team liked the idea. Ellis actually has this on the dashboard, only thing is that the dashboard only showed the customers that purchased something in the last 30 days, but we want all customer behaviour from the last 90 days. We have expressed our preferences to Woolman, who said this can be implemented in the next phase of customization.” - Vrshali Jyothiprakash / Business controller

With constant feedback sessions and a hand-in-hand approach, the Ellis team at Woolman can create the best suitable dashboards for the specific needs of the customer. 

“We would like to link all this information to our email marketing system Klaviyo so we can send different emails dedicated to the different segments of members. We want to give our loyal members a community feel, so to achieve that we need to know who they are and involve our members in things like product testing and events.” - Vrshali Jyothiprakash / Business controller

Singular Society's ultimate goal with data is to be able to understand their customer base as a whole, what are their preferences and behaviours, so that they can serve their needs even better. With in-detail segmentation and customer behaviour tracking they can build more meaningful and personalized connections with their customers. This in turn helps to build the community feel they want to maintain throughout.

 “We want to understand, connect and engage with our customers and provide them the type of products they want, and that will be easier to do with data.” - Vrshali Jyothiprakash / Business controller

Global growth is on the horizon for Singular Society 

It is no surprise that an innovative brand such as Singular Society has ambitious goals. The feedback from customers has been positive and the growth rate has been good, but the the next step for them is scale the business even further - with the help of data of course. 

“The future looks very positive. Our focus is on membership growth. We have already seen a lot of growth in the past year but we are still early on in our  journey  to scale, which is exciting”   - Vrshali Jyothiprakash / Business controller

Does Singular Society recommend Ellis? 

“Yes, we recommend Ellis to any eCommerce brand looking for profitable growth.”  - Vrshali Jyothiprakash / Business controller